Meet Nancy Neale Martin!

Nancy is one of PPWS’ Featured Artists for September 2024!

Nancy has been a member of PPWS since 2012. She is a Signature Member and has been a volunteer in many roles for our organization over the years, including President and is currently our new Vice President for 2024-2026.

Nancy’s Bio:

I am a lifelong artist and worked for Disney right out of high school doing watercolor backgrounds, it was a thrilling but short stint. When I returned to Colorado I went into the real corporate world but have always been a painter and my medium of choice has always been watercolor. As an ultra realist I think the complex washes and colors that can be created lend themselves like no other medium to capturing realism.

Nancy’s Awards:

While I have been fortunate and have won many art awards over my lifetime, I will share a fun one that is a bit of a novelty. When I was 9 years old I won the first place national award in the Cappy Dick art contest from the Sunday newspaper! I won the entire set of World Book Encyclopedias for designing a deck of playing cards! I used those encyclopedias forever and in fact think I read them all cover to cover growing up! While not awards per se, I am most proud of my signature membership letters for NWS, TWSA and WW.

Nancy’s favorite things to paint:

I don’t have a favorite… I want to do something different and new every time I paint! For me having painted for a lifetime, that’s what keeps it fresh and interesting for me. I want to do all kinds of subjects in all kinds of ways, so even though I am primarily an ultra realist, it is fun to play and experiment!

I am definitely a watercolorist to my core, but do enjoy acrylics as well just to mix it up.

Nancy’s favorite or most admired artists:

I love Vincent! Truthfully I love so many artists it is too vast to even note, maybe just one piece, maybe their entire body of work. What’s not to love about art!?

Nancy’s goals for the next year:

To carve out more time to paint in all kinds of ways!


“I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.”

– Michelangelo

“Logic will get you from point A to point B. Imagination and hard work will take you everywhere else.”

– Einstein