Values Reference
This painting tip is brought to you by Sue Marion! When working from reference photos, I always have a black-and-white version nearby so I can get a better understanding of the values in the image. This helps me see [...]
This painting tip is brought to you by Sue Marion! When working from reference photos, I always have a black-and-white version nearby so I can get a better understanding of the values in the image. This helps me see [...]
This painting tip is brought to you by Martha Lancaster! Have you tried painting with a limited Palette? As an en plein air painter, I am always looking to lighten my load of materials when going out into the [...]
This Tip or Trick is brought to you by Nancy Neale Martin! Sabrina Evans shared this with me and it’s been a game changer! If you’re like me and have actually cut your hands trying to open old tubes [...]